
Consultation for parents

@It is important for children to build a trusting relationship with adults close to them such as mothers or fathers in order to support the childfs growth.@We support building a better parental relationship while listening worries and difficulties about childcare from parents.

@Children live under the influence of relationships with parents, siblings and neighbors, etc.@It is very important that parents have a cooperative relationship and discuss things openly.@Parents need people whom thay can ask for support from in order for their children to live comfortably and grow up with confidence in themselves.@We support a mother or a father for not suffering alone, and share ideas in order for the family and people in the community to understand each other and cooperate.

@We also think together not only about children with intellectual disabilities but their siblings, the relationship between the child with intellectual disabilities and his/her sibling, between the family and his/her grandparents, neighbor problems, and economic problems.

Group meeting, study session, lecture
  • Parents talk about their problems and study child development and a child with intellectual disabilities. (Once or twice a month)@We also invite instructors, and have study sessions and lectures. For example, language development, the meaning of severe stubbornness, development of interpersonal relationship, preparation for social independence, problems of sending a child to school or center, cooperative relationship of parents, difficulty in fraternity.

  • Massage for babies
Individual Consultation (as needed)
  • Consultations are available as needed. Please contact us.
Class Meeting
  • Staff and parents discuss in order to give better childcare.
Confirmation of Issues (Process of a childfs growth)
  • We put together childrenfs conditions and changes (changes as a whole, the relationships with others, communication, basic lifestyle habit, exercise, interests and understanding) at our center and confirm our goals with parents.
Interaction among parents
  1. We support parents whose children with intellectual disabilities go to a daycare center, kindergarten or school so that they can build relationships to support each other by having discussion and exchanging information.

  2. Parents can join social gathering at the association of Awaji Kodomoen and association of daycare center for adults with intellectual disabilities.

  3. We hold discussions to encourage and deepen exchanges between fathers.

Consultation by specialists
We offer the following consultations as needed.

Development Consultation (as needed)
  • Consultation for development and childcare problems (Delay in language development, strong stubbornness, temper tantrum, aggressive behaviors, self-injury, and the childfs relationships with friends, etc.)
Medical Consultation (Once a month)
  • Confirmation of health condition and consultation for physical state and medical care (Epilepsy, allergy, unbalanced diet and medication, etc.)
Mental Health Consultation (Once or twice a month, Fee-charging)
  • Consultation and counseling for the individual, his/her siblings, family, and marital problems, and mothersf or fathersf worries, etc.
Motor Development Consultation (Twice a month)
  • cerebral palsy, delay in motor development, unskillfulness with fingers, awkwardness.
Dental Consultation (Once a year)
  • Dental checkup and study session about dental health (guidance about brushing and cavity protection, etc.)

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Operated by
Social Welfare Corporation SUISEN FUKUSHIKAI
Awaji Kodomoen 5-1-12 Nishi awaji, Higashi yodogawa-ku, Osaka 533-0031
TEL: 06-6323-6395 FAX: 06-6323-2856