Executive Director
Senju Kuroda
Joined on April 1st, 1985.
Ms. Kuroda is now the Executive Director of Kazenoko Sodachien, after working at Awaji Kodomoen, Kazenoko Baby Home, Awaji Kodomoen, Kazenoko Sodachien, I-Support Research Center, and Kazenoko Day Service.

Facility Information

The outside of the Kazenoko
Sodachien center

Dining and activity room for the
Rainbow group

Activity room for the Earth group

2nd floor: activity room for the Space group

Sodachien farm

Seasonal flowers are always arranged
at the entrance


2nd floor: activity room for the Star group

3rd floor: activity room for the Sun group

The outside of the Kaze no Tomo
Nishiyodogawa center

Workplace facilities at the Kaze no Tomo
Nishiyodogawa center

We apologize in advance for not posting the layout of each room for security reasons.

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Operated by
Social Welfare Corporation SUISEN FUKUSHIKAI
Kazenoko Sodachien 6-3-5 Himejima, Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka 555-0033
TELF06-6475-7325@ 050-3541-8074@FAXF06-6475-7321