A visitor from Sweden, Ms. Gunnel !

Ms. Gunnel came to visit our bakery “Kaze no Tomo Nishiyodogawa.” Everyone heard that she would come to visit their bakery the day before. Some people practiced introducing themselves in English, “My name is ...” last night. Some people checked if their cell phone camera worked OK to take a picture with her. They had been feeling so excited to meet her all morning. Ms. Gunnel came around the time everyone started their work for the afternoon. Everyone quickly started to introduce themselves in English and was so happy that she could understand their English, exchanging name cards each other. It was a short time, but every one of them enjoyed meeting a rare guest from a foreign country by taking a picture together and receiving a name card written in Swedish. Her gentle manners and kindness toward our bakery members was very impressive!

These are Azuki beans (red beans).
My name is 〜.

Her hand is warm.

“Say cheese!” with our staff

Ms. Gunnel Winlund Visiting Program

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Operated by
Social Welfare Corporation SUISEN FUKUSHIKAI
Kazenoko Sodachien 6-3-5 Himejima, Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka 555-0033
TEL:06-6475-7325  050-3541-8074 FAX:06-6475-7321